Mobile Phone Codes in Kerala
The following codes in the format +91 - <4 digit code> <6 digit number> represents the corresponding service providers
By Code
9020 Reliance-GSM
9037 Tata Indicom
9048 Vodafone
9061 Unitech
9072 Datacomm
9109 BPL Mobile
9142 Shyam (Rainbow)-CDMA
9163 Swan Telecom
9249 Tata Indicom
9287 Tata Indicom
9288 Tata Indicom
9349 Reliance-CDMA
9387 Reliance-CDMA
9388 Reliance-CDMA
9446 BSNL(Cellone)-GSM
9447 BSNL(Cellone)-GSM
9495 BSNL(Cellone)-GSM
9496 BSNL(Cellone)-GSM
9605 Idea
9633 Airtel
9645 Vodafone
9744 Idea
9745 Vodafone
9746 Airtel
9747 Idea
9809 Aircel
9846 Vodafone
9847 Idea
9895 Airtel
9946 Vodafone
9947 Idea
9961 Idea
9995 Airtel
By Service Provider
Reliance-GSM : 9020
Tata Indicom : 9037, 9249, 9287, 9288
Vodafone : 9048, 9645, 9745, 9846, 9946
Unitech : 9061
Datacomm : 9072
BPL Mobile : 9109
Shyam (Rainbow)-CDMA : 9142
Swan Telecom : 9163
BSNL-CDMA : 9188
Reliance-CDMA : 9349, 9387, 9388
BSNL(Cellone)-GSM : 9446, 9447, 9495, 9496
Idea : 9605, 9744, 9747, 9847, 9947, 9961
Airtel : 9633, 9746, 9809, 9895, 9995
While utmost care has been taken in preparing this out of the email forward, I can't assure you that these are right. Still if there is any discrepancy between the data sorted by code and by service provider, the one sorted by code is taken directly from the email forward and therefore will be more accurate
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